
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gentle Reminder with respect to the September Selections

Just a gentle reminder for all my fellow members of The Cottage Cooking Club: please note that the deadline for posting your personal recipe choices for the month of September is today, September 8th, 2015.

The P`s (Peas) and Q´s (Cukes) with respect to any and all comments, concerns, tips and suggestions regarding the recipes you chose, will be posted tomorrow.

Remember that this is another make-up month!

Thank you! - Merci beaucoup! - Vielen Dank!


  1. I made the Chard and new potato curry that we made back in August 2014 - with the most wonderful rainbow chard and new potatoes - glad I went back and made this recipe. Served with a bit of rice on the side, this makes quite a satisfying meal and if you enjoy garam masala and warm spices, this curry is for you.

  2. We enjoyed the potato, pesto and feta cheese stuffed peppers and tomato mozzarella risotto for dinner last night!

    1. Sounds wonderful to me - glad that you enjoyed the two dishes so much - Th erisottos was very popular at our house too and the Stuffed peppers are quite flavorful and colorful too!
      Thanks for letting us know, dear Emily!
