
Monday, September 28, 2015

LYL for the Cottage Cooking Club

We have now completed our seventeenth month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s “River Cottage Everyday Veg”. You can now leave your link to your personal September post at the end of this post AND at any time on The Cottage Cooking Club facebook page!!!

This month was another make-up month! Giving everyone a chance to cook as many OR as little of the recipes that they have missed so far! OR you could also re-visit as many OR as little of your favorite recipe(s)! There is such an abundance of vegetables out there at this time of year that I would not want to restrict your independent and creative minds!


For the recipes that we have prepared so far, please consult the up-dated list here:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Peas (P´s) & Cukes (Q´s) for September recipes

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions with respect to the September recipes or any of the ingredients used in the recipes, please feel free to post them here.

Please note that the list of September recipes can be consulted here:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gentle Reminder with respect to the September Selections

Just a gentle reminder for all my fellow members of The Cottage Cooking Club: please note that the deadline for posting your personal recipe choices for the month of September is today, September 8th, 2015.

The P`s (Peas) and Q´s (Cukes) with respect to any and all comments, concerns, tips and suggestions regarding the recipes you chose, will be posted tomorrow.

Remember that this is another make-up month!

Thank you! - Merci beaucoup! - Vielen Dank!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Cottage Cooking Club - Membership Drive

No need to pull out those handkerchiefs, or "Taschentücher" as well call them around here  - there is still time to join The Cottage Cooking Club


With the glut of seasonal vegetables available everywhere in September and the make-up month we are having, this is the right time to join us!

The make-up month gives everyone a chance to cook as many OR as little of the recipes that they have missed so far! OR you can also re-visit as many or as little of your favorite recipes!

For ease of reference, please consult the list of recipes that we have made so far:

The membership and guest blogger rules can be consulted here:

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Cottage Cooking Club - September Recipes

Hope you enjoyed our sixteenth month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s River Cottage Everyday Veg”! We are now at the beginning of September and as a group we have already cooked 160 recipes from this lovely cookbook. Therefore, I believe it is time to take another "breather"!


This month will be another make-up month! That will give everyone a chance to cook as many OR as little of the recipes that they have missed so far! OR you can also re-visit as many or as little of your favorite recipes! There is such an abundance of vegetables out there at this time of year that I would not want to restrict your independent and creative minds!

For ease of reference, please consult the list of recipes that we have made so far:


Our motto for the month of September is: Get out there and make the very best of the seasonal/autumnal produce that is available to YOU in YOUR neck of the woods!


Please note that we are still looking for new members and/or guest bloggers, rules can be consulted here:


Have you seen and liked our facebook site yet? If not, please do take a minute to do so! All links can be found there AND here from now on!


Please remember to leave a comment with your personal choice(s) by September 7th at the end of this post.

Please remember to leave a comment with the link to your personal blog post on the LYL post by September 28th.

Please remember to visit our Peas (problems) and Cukes (questions) page for continuous progress on how you all are doing!