
Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Cottage Cooking Club - April Recipes

Hope you enjoyed our make-up month of March. We are now at the beginning of April and therefore into our twelfth month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s “River Cottage Everyday Veg”!

Now onto the ten recipes for this month:

1. From the chapter "Comfort Food & Feasts":
Chillies stuffed with beans (page 36)

2. From the chapter "Hearty Salads":
Lettuce, egg and fried bread salad (page 80)

3. From the chapter "Raw Assemblies":
Red cabbage, parsnip, orange and dates (page 110)

4. From the chapter "Hefty Soups"
Mushroom stock (page 130) AND
5. Creamy mushroom soup (152) please note that one recipe serves as the base for the other recipe

6. From the chapter "Bready Things"
River Cottage Garlicky Flatbreads (page 176) please see number 9 (the flatbread goes well with the dip and vice versa)

7. From the chapter "Store-Cupboard Suppers"
Upside-down onion tart (page 218)

8. From the chapter "Pasta & Rice":
Pasta with new potatoes, green beans and pesto (page 256)

9. From the chapter "Mezze & Tapas":
Cannelli bean hummus (page 300) please see number 6 (the dip goes well with the flabread and vice versa)

10. From the chapter "Side Dishes":
Celery gratin (page 380)

Please remember to leave a comment with your personal choice(s) by April 7th at the end of this post.

Please remember to leave a comment with the link to your blog post on the LYL post by April 28th.

Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Vielen Dank!


  1. I'm going to try to make all of them except for the two mushroom ones...In case I get busy, though, I'll commit to making the lettuce, egg, and fried bread salad and the celery gratin. I'm looking forward to this month! What a great list of choices.

    1. Great Jora, I played around with the choices for a few days - while it is already spring in some parts of the world, there is still snow on the ground in others - so I hope that the recipes are as seasonal as possible!

  2. Our snow is finally gone! This is great lineup of recipes for the transition into spring. I'll be making the following:

    Chiles stuffed with beans
    Red cabbage, parsnip, orange and dates
    Creamy mushroom soup (and maybe the mushroom stock)
    Pasta with new potatoes, green beans, and pesto
    Cannellini bean hummus
    Celery gratin

    1. Zosia, thank you for posting your personal selections for the month of April - hope you and your family will be enjoying all those lovely dishes.

  3. Here are my choices for this month; if I can squeeze in more, I will. :)

    Chiles Stuffed with Beans
    Red Cabbage, Parsnip, Orange, and Dates
    Upside-Down Onion Tart
    Celery Gratin (Finally, something that calls for the whole bunch of celery!)
    Pasta with New Potatoes, Green Beans, and Pesto

    1. Cathleen, sounds awfully good - thank you for posting your choices! Looking forward to your post!

  4. Hi Everyone, here are my picks:

    Lettuce, egg and fried bread salad (page 80)
    Pasta with new potatoes, green beans and pesto (page 256)
    Celery Gratin (page 380

    1. Cheri, thank you for making your selections!
      Have a Happy Easter!

  5. I'm so excited about spring!'
    I'll be making the creamy mushroom soup and celery gratin.

    1. Betsy, thank you my friend for making your selections!
      Hope the winter has moved on in your parts...

  6. I just want to chime in that I am excited for Springtime also but probably not as excited as Betsy who has had the winter-from-hell (can I say "hell" on this Link, Andrea?). These are great choices this month, Ms. Lioness. I hope to make the following: Lettuce, Egg and Fried Bread Salad, Red cabbage, parsnip, orange and dates, Upside-down onion tart, Pasta with new potatoes, green beans, and pesto and Cannellini beans hummus. Andrea, I would not be making any of these recipes if it wasn't for this Club or you. Thanks you.

    1. Mary, absolutely, even on Easter Monday (which is an official holiday around here - no stores, offices or schools open...just the Churches, Abbeys and Cathedrals...). I read on the news that this was indeed a rather harsh winter for a lot of folks in the US and Canada.
      Sounds like you chose some wonderful recipes there, my friend.
      I shall start with the pasta dish this month and I am going for the salad next.
      Just so glad to know that you arrived in Aspen safe and sound!

  7. Hello Andrea and lovely ladies of the Cottage Cooking Club. Excited that Spring is in the air. Hope a pleasant Easter was enjoyed. Thank you for another month of lovely recipe pics Andrea. For April, I am intrigued with the Upside Down Onion Tart, the Pasta with new potatoes, green beans and pesto, and the celery gratin. I may also prepare the Lettuce, egg and fried bread salad, and then, we shall see as the month progresses. Thanks much and see you soon!

    1. Peggy, it was a really nice Easter weekend - although not too warm, I might add, but lots of great foods, colored eggs and happy crowds! Who could ask for more?!
      I have made the Upside down onion tart - utter bliss if one likes caramelized onions and lovely puff pastry. And who doesn`t?! The pasta is next, then the salad and as you so aptly pointed out, we shall see where the month will take us.
      Thank you, dear friend,

  8. I will commit to two this month:

    Chillies stuffed with beans (page 36)
    Pasta with new potatoes, green beans and pesto (page 256)

    But, they all look so good, I'll try to get to some others, as well!

  9. Happy Spring Andrea! Here are the two recipes I plan to try:

    Upside-down onion tart (page 218)
    Lettuce, egg and fried bread salad (page 80)

    I may get to another one or two - we'll see. This one is a likely 3rd... can't wait to try the tart though - it looks so pretty!!
    Cannelli bean hummus (page 300)

    Thank you again for all of your work shepherding us!!
