
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Cottage Cooking Club - December Recipes

Hope you enjoyed our seventh month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s “River Cottage Everyday Veg”! As we are now at the beginning of December, the recipe selection reflects the season. By the end of December, we will have prepared eighty of about two hundred recipes.

Now onto the eighth month and the ten recipes for the month of December:

1. From the chapter "Comfort Food & Feasts":
Corner shop spanakopita (page 54)

2. From the chapter "Hearty Salads":
Roasted baby beetroot with walnuts and yoghurt dressing (page 92)

3. From the chapter "Raw Assemblies":
Brussels sprouts, apple and cheddar (page 108)

4. From the chapter "Hefty Soups"
Curried sweet potato soup (page 166)

5. From the chapter "Bready Things"
Bruschetta with cavolo nero (page 200)

6. From the chapter "Store-Cupboard Suppers"
Quick chickpea pasta (page 246)

7. From the chapter "Pasta & Rice":
Leek risotto with chestnuts (page 270)

8. From the chapter "Mezze & Tapas":
Sweetcorn fritters with corinader or mint raita (page 325)

9. From the chapter "Roast, Grill & Barbecue":
Roasted roots with apple and rosemary (page 361)

10. From the chapter "Side Dishes":
Salsify purée (page 387)

Please remember to leave a comment with your personal choice(s) by December 7th at the end of this post.

Please remember to leave a comment with the link to your blog post on the LYL post by December 28th.


  1. Thank you, thank you, Andrea, for a selection of relatively quick and easy recipes for December, and so many of them appropriate for entertaining. My choices are:

    Corner shop spanakopita (page 54)
    Brussels sprouts, apple and cheddar (page 108) (I do enjoy Hugh's raw assemblies)
    Bruschetta with cavolo nero (page 200)
    Quick chickpea pasta (page 246)
    Leek risotto with chestnuts (page 270)
    Sweetcorn fritters with coriander or mint raita (page 325)

    1. Zosia, I tried to do my best - it is a busy time of year for all of us.

  2. Hi Andrea, what a lovely selection for the month. I think I would like to prepare all of them, but then since it is Christmas this month I'll stick to a few and prepare more if time permits. From the top, corner shop spanakopita, Brussels sprouts, apple and cheddar, curried sweet potato soup, bruschetta with cavola nero, and either sweet corn fritters with coriander or mint raita or roasted roots with apple and rosemary. Thank you for your leadership and coordination Andrea, see you cooking along the way.

    1. Peggy, thank you very much for letting me know - your selections soun wonderful. I will try my best to make as many as I can handle as well. As I came across some wonderful spinach today, I will go for the Spanakopita first (now why is that written with two "tt´s" in the UK version...)
      Hope you will have a wonderful month of December,

  3. Hi Andrea, this month I will prepare the Corner shop spanakopita, and the Curried sweet potato soup. Thanks for everything you do, Happy Holidays!

    1. Cheri, selections noted - hope you will be having a wonderful month of December as well!

  4. Beautiful selections this month, Andrea - thanks so much! I'm going to choose three for this month, since it's a little busier than most. Looking forward to seeing what everyone prepares. Happy holidays to all, whatever you may celebrate this month!

    Curried sweet potato soup (page 166)
    Leek risotto with chestnuts (page 270)
    Roasted roots with apple and rosemary (page 361)

    1. Teresa, selections noted - thank you for letting me know!

  5. Hello, Andrea!

    My selections this month will be;

    Roasted Baby Beets with Walnuts and Yogurt Dressing
    Brussels Sprouts, Apple, and Cheddar
    Curried Sweet Potato Soup
    Quick Chickpea Pasta
    Roasted Roots with Apples and Rosemary
    Salsify Puree (If I can find the salsify!)

    Thank you so much Andrea! Happy Holidays!

    1. Cathleen, sounds like a food-filled and busy month for you - thanks for letting me know about your selections - enjoy your month of December!

  6. Hi Andrea, I plan to make the spanakopita and the leek risotto with chestnuts. Wishing you and the family a happy season!

    1. Betsy, spanakopita sounds wonderful - the first one on my list for this week, together with the leek risotto...

  7. I have been interested in trying the Spanakopita, especially as it uses pantry ingredients. So I am definitely going to make that. I am also planning to make the Curried Sweet Potato Soup (sounds yum), the Leek Risotto and the Roasted Roots with Apple & Rosemary. The chickpea pasta sounds interesting but I am not sure my family would like it - I have seen numerous recipes and always assumed it would be on the dry side. Looking forward to reading what others think of it if they make it this month. I might have a go if I have time... Thanks Andrea!

    1. You are quiet welcome - hope you will find the time to cook all these recipes and enjoy them together with your family!

    2. You're absolutely right about the chickpea pasta being dry, but it was nothing that a little reserved pasta cooking water couldn't fix :-)!

    3. Well put, dear Zosia - nothing that a bit of kept pasta water cannot remedy - thank you for pounting that out!

    4. Thanks for the tip Zosia. I already made the Curried Sweet Potato Soup - WOW. If anyone doesn't have that on their list in December I would recommend adding it!

  8. Happy Sunday (here in America) Andrea and Everyone, I will be returning to the CCC site this afternoon to make comments on your November Posts. You might have noted that my Post is missing. I made several November recipes, finished 1/2 my blog post and my motor just ran dry. No more energy. I am trying to ignore the fact that I am aging but, man, do I get pooped. So, I'll be posting next week about November. In December, Andrea, I would like to make Corner Shop Spanakopita, Roasted Baby Beets with walnuts and yogurt and Quick Chickpea Pasta. Happy December and Happy Holiday Season to you all. Andrea, I hope that ankle is improving daily.

    1. Mary, no need to apologize but thank you for letting us all know - ankle is next to healed - I am wearing sturdy boots these days...I just enjoy that "Ranger look" but I do not nearly look as professional as you do in your uniform!
      Your choices sound delightful - happy December cooking,

  9. Sorry, Andrea, I thought that I'd already submitted, but apparently it didn't go through, or...

    Roasted baby beetroot with walnuts and yoghurt dressing (page 92)
    Quick chickpea pasta (page 246),
    and I really would like to try
    Leek risotto with chestnuts (page 270)

    I am really looking forward to seeing what everyone does this month!!!

    1. Candy, cannot wait to see the results either - it is always such a pleasure to visit everyone´s blogposts!

  10. I totally forgot to submit. Sorry! All of the recipes sound good. I will commit to leek risotto, roasted beets, and roasted roots. I'm looking forward to it!

  11. Sorry so late...
    Roasted baby beetroot with walnuts and yoghurt dressing, curried sweet potato soup, and leek risotto with chestnut.

    1. Sounds good, Gracie, thanks so much for letting me know!
