
Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Recipes / Juni Rezepte

Hope you enjoyed our first month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s “River Cottage Everyday Veg”!

The ten recipes for the month of June are the following:

1. From the chapter "Comfort Food & Feast":
Lettuce, spring onion and cheese tart (page 44)

2. From the chapter "Hearty Salads":
New potato, tomato and boiled egg salad (page 76)

3. From the chapter "Raw Assemblies":
Crudités with tarator sauce (page 105)

4. From the chapter "Hefty Soups"
Cucumber and lettuce vichyssoise (page 134)

5. From the chapter "Bready Things"
Pizza with new potatoes and blue cheese (page 182)

6. From the chapter "Store-Cupboard Suppers"
Frittata with summer veg and goat´s cheese (page 232)

7. From the chapter "Pasta & Rice":
Baby carrot and broad bean risotto (page 269)

8. From the chapter "Mezze & Tapas":
Vegetable tempura with chilli dipping sauce (page 308)

9. From the chapter "Roast, Grill & Barbecue":
Honey roasted cherry tomatoes (page 343)

10. From the chapter "Side Dishes":
Steamed veg with a hint of garlic (page 372)

Please remember to leave a comment with your personal choices by June 7th at the end of this post.

Please remember to leave a comment with the link to your blog post on the LYL post by June 28th.


"We all know that food can sometimes be wonderful. I think it should be wonderful everyday."
(Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall)


  1. I'll take the following:
    New potato, tomato, and boiled egg salad
    Pizza with new potatoes, rosemary, and blue cheese
    Baby carrot and fava bean risotto
    Honey roasted cherry tomatoes

    1. Bonvivantcuisine, I have noted your personal choices for the month of July - thank you for letting me know!

  2. HI Andrea, I will complete the lettuce, green onion and cheese tart, and the pizza with new potatoes, rosemary and blue cheese. Thanks, Cheri

    1. Cheri, sounds absolutely delicious - I am sure that you will enjoy your chosen recipes quite a bit! Thank you for letting me know about your selections!

  3. Hi Andrea,
    I will be making: Honey roasted cherry tomatoes and Baby carrot and broad bean risotto.

    1. Dinae, sounds wonderful - thank you for letting me know! I have already prepared the Honey roasted cherry tomatoes - they are just wonderful.

    2. ...of course that should have read "Diane", sorrry about that...

  4. I will join in with:

    1. Cucumber and lettuce vichyssoise
    2. Pizza with new potatoes and blue cheese
    3. Honey roasted cherry tomatoes

    I am also curious about the tart - I might make it too if I become inspired by lettuce :)

    1. Wonderful to have you joins us - hope that you will enjoy cooking along with us - these recipes were chosen with seasonality in mind. Thank you for letting me know about your selections!

    2. You might also want to grab the CCC badge here:

  5. I made the Lettuce Tart and am going to make the Vegetable Fritta tonight. I will try to make a few others if time allows.

    1. Dear Jora, you are such a trooper - thank you for letting me know!

  6. I'm going to attempt seven of the recipes this month...

    Lettuce, Spring Onion and Cheese Tart
    New Potato, Tomato, and Boiled Egg Salad
    Cucumber and Lettuce Vichyssoise
    Pizza with New Potatoes and Blue Cheese (Half the battle is done - have two balls of magic bread dough in the freezer!)
    Vegetable Tempura with Chili Dipping Sauce
    Honey Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
    Steamed Veg with a Hint of Garlic

    1. Cathleen, full steam ahead - sounds like a wonderfully delicious month of June to me - thank you for letting me know about your selections!

  7. Beautiful, bright summer collections. This month I will prepare the Lettuce, Spring Onion, and Cheese Tart, the New Potato, Tomato, and Boiled Egg Salad, Honey Roasted Cherry Tomatoes, and quite possibly- the Pizza with New Potatoes and Blue Cheese

    1. Peggy, welcome, again, to the CCC! Thank you for letting me know about your selections - I am glad that you like the recipes for this month! You will not be disappointed, I am sure!

  8. Here's what I'm planning on:

    New potato, tomato and boiled egg salad (page 76)
    Pizza with new potatoes and blue cheese (page 182)
    Frittata with summer veg and goat´s cheese (page 232)
    Honey roasted cherry tomatoes (page 343)

    I just started a new job, but I think I can do this!! All of the recipes look really great. Thanks Andrea!!!

    1. Candy, good luck with the new job!!! Thank you for leting me know about your personal selections - I have made some of them already - wonderful, delicious early summer fare!

  9. Here are my choices for June:

    Frittata with summer veg and goat´s cheese
    Baby carrot and broad bean risotto
    Vegetable tempura with chilli dipping sauce
    Honey roasted cherry tomatoes
    Steamed veg with a hint of garlic

    Thanks, Andrea!

    1. Dera Teresa, so many wonderful recipes to prepare - I am sure that you will enjoy cooking these. Thank you for letting me know about your selections!

  10. Hi Andrea - these are my definite choices, there are a few others I have my eye on if I have enough time.

    Happy Weekend!

    Cucumber and lettuce vichyssoise (page 134)
    Pizza with new potatoes and blue cheese (page 182)
    Honey roasted cherry tomatoes (page 343)
    Baby carrot and broad bean risotto (page 269)
    Steamed veg with a hint of garlic (page 372)

    1. Dear Christy, thank you very much for letting me know. I love of all of these choices - have a great weekend.

  11. Hi Andrea, I am a day late to the party. Here are my picks: Pizza with new potatoes and blue cheese; Frittata with summer veg and goat´s cheese and Honey roasted cherry tomatoes. You gave us good choices this month.

    1. Thank you kindly, Mary - thank you for letting me know. I find it hard to decide which one to make - maybe all..who knows...

  12. Typical Armenian, always late. My apologies.
    I'll be making the potato-tomato-egg salad. Looks very interesting, plus I just love saying potato-tomato twenty time real fast! xo

  13. Andrea,
    Thank you for allowing me to participate this month. I'll be making the pizza with new potatoes and blue cheese and the vegetable tempura with dipping sauce.

    1. Dear Zosia, thank you for letting me know and you are quite welcome. I am sure that you will love the pizza and the tempura, these are two excellent recipes!

  14. Sorry I’m so late…this has been a very crazy month! Honey roasted cherry tomatoes (page 343), New Potato, Tomato, and Boiled Egg Salad
    See you on the 28th!

    1. See you then Kathy, thanks for letting me know. Hope this month will be less stressfull!

  15. Hi Andrea,
    I'm back from my trip and would like to start participating in your Cottage Cooking Club. I'm planning on making the pizza, frittata, veg tempera and honey roasted tomatoes this week to post on my blog the 28th. I will also include the filo pie from May-thanks, Patty

    1. Patty, thank you fro letting me know - hope you had a great trip! Nice to see you particitating this month. You will love your choices for this month! And the filo pie is utterly outstanding - one tip though, you might consider using pre-cooked rice!

  16. Hi Andrea, having trouble posting this will try again. here is the link for the month of June. Really enjoying this cookbook.

    1. Dear Cheri, the LYL for the month of June is not up yet - I will post it on Wednesday and paste your link there, unless you see this and would not mind "commenting again" in the right spot.
      Thank you for participating again! So glad that you enjoy this lovely cookbook!

  17. Dear Andrea, hope your Tuesday is lovely. Hugh's New Potato, Tomato, Egg Salad is up! Hope you enjoy it: xo

    1. Dear Colette, the LYL for the month of June is not up yet - I will post it today and paste your link there, unless you see this and would not mind "commenting again" in the right spot.
      Thank you for participating again! So glad that you enjoy this lovely cookbook!

  18. Hello Andrea, so pleased my cookbook finally arrived a few days ago! It is quite fabulous. My June submission is now up:
