
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Cottage Cooking Club - Rules / Regeln

Welcome to the Cottage Cooking Club! This is an online cooking group dedicated to “River Cottage Veg Everday”, by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. We are going to cook our way through the book starting in May of 2014. The goal of this group is to cook all the recipes from the book, as a group, not individually.

As a member of this group, I would like to ask that you abide by a few “Cottage Cooking Club rules”.

  1. You must own a copy of the book, “River Cottage Veg Everday”, by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
  2. On the first day of each month, I will put up a list with ten (10) recipes that were chosen for that particular month on the Cottage Cooking Club (hereinafter the “CCC”) page – the recipes will be chosen based on seasonality.
  3. You then have seven (7) days, first, to decide how many recipes from the 10 listed recipes you would like to cook and second, to leave a comment on the CCC page with your choices – feel free to cook along as few or as many as you can. There is no requirement to cook all of them. When choosing your recipe(s), it does not matter whether other members of the group will cook the same recipe(s).
  4. Of course, I will cook along as well and in order to ensure that we, as a group, cook all the recipes, I will pick the recipes that were not chosen by the other members and then some. 
  5. You then have until the 28th of each month to blog about the recipe(s) you made. All recipes for a given month will be put together in one (1) post. You will then have to leave a comment with a link to your blogpost on the CCC page.
  6. At the end of ten (10) months, when we are halfway through the book, we will have a “make up” month, in order to give all participants a chance to cook the recipe(s) that they have not had a chance to make so far.
  7. For copyright reasons, please do NOT post the actual recipes on your blog. I encourage everyone to purchase their own book in order to belong to the group.
  8. CCC GUEST BLOGGER: as of August 2014 we will have a category called "CCC Guest Blogger". You will be able to participate for one month, then decide whether you would like to join the CCC. Please leave a comment below, if you are interested.

To summarize, you will be required to consult the CCC page three (3) times a month. First, to view the list of recipes on the first of each month. Second, a week later, to leave a comment with respect to your choices. And thirdly, on the 28th of each month to leave a comment with the link to your blog post. There will be only one (1) CCC post per month on your personal blog.

In order to register with the CCC group, please leave a comment below. If you have questions about the group, please email me at andrea AT thekitchenlioness DOT de.

I hope you will join me and encourage some fellow blogging friends to do the same!

Thank you,

Herzlich willkommen zum Cottage Cooking  Club! Dies ist eine Online-Kochgruppe, die sich Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstalls Rezepten aus „River Cottage Veg Everyday“ widmet. Wir werden im Mai 2014 damit beginnen, uns als Gruppe gemeinsam durch das Buch zu kochen.

Als Mitglied der Gruppe sollte man einige Regeln des „Cottage Cooking Clubs“ beherzigen.

  1. Man sollte sich das Buch „River Cottage Veg Everyday“ von Hugh Whittingstall besorgen.
  2. Am Ersten jeden Monats werde ich eine Liste von zehn (10) Rezepten für den jeweiligen Monat veröffentlichen. Diese Liste werde ich auf der Cottage Cooking Club Seite („CCC“) posten. Die Rezepten werden nach saisonalen Gesichtspunkten ausgesucht.
  3. Dann haben die Teilnehmer sieben (7) Tage Zeit, sich erstens von der Liste so viele Rezepte auszusuchen, wie sie kochen möchte. Und um zweitens einen Kommentar auf der CCC Seite mit der persönlichen Auswahl der Rezepte zu hinterlassen – man kann also so wenige oder so viele Rezepte auszusuchen, wie man möchte. Man muss auch nicht alle Rezepte kochen. Bei der Auswahl der Rezepte braucht man auch keine Rücksicht darauf nehmen, ob die anderen Mitglieder der Gruppe sich die gleichen Rezepte von der Liste ausgesucht haben.
  4. Ich werde selbstverständlich auch mitkochen. Bei der Auswahl der Rezepte werde ich in der Regel zunächst diejenigen kochen, die für den jeweiligen Monat noch nicht ausgewählt wurden und dann noch einige andere von der Liste.So werden alle Rezepte in der Gruppe gekocht.
  5. Die Teilnehmer haben immer bis zum 28. des Monats Zeit, über die gekochten Rezepte zu bloggen. Alle Rezepte für einen Monat werden in einem (1) Post zusammengefasst. Man muss dann nur noch einen Kommentar mit dem Link zu dem eigenen Blogpost auf der CCC-Seite hinterlassen.
  6. Nach zehn (10) Monaten werden wir uns auf diese Weise durch die Hälfte des Buches gekocht haben. Dann gibt es einen Monat, in dem allen Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, diejenigen Rezepte „nachzuholen“, die sie gerne noch gekocht hätten, es aber nicht geschafft haben.
  7. Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen, werden die Mitglieder der Gruppe werden gebeten, die Rezepte NICHT zu veröffentlichen. Ich ermuntere jeden, der zu der Gruppe gehören möchte, sein eigenes Buchexemplar zu besorgen.
  8. CCC Gast Blogger: falls man für einen Monat mit uns kochen möchte und sich dann erst entscheiden möchte, ob man weiter mit dem CCC kochen möchte, bitte hier einen Kommentar hinterlassen - das geht ab August 2014.

Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass die Mitglieder dreimal (3) im Monat die CCC-Seite besuchen müssen. Einmal, um am ersten Tag des Monats die Liste der Rezepte einzusehen. Dann eine Woche später, um einen Kommentar mit der persönlichen Auswahl der Rezepte zu posten. Und ein drittes Mal, am 28. des Monats, um einen Kommentar mit dem Link zu dem persönlichen Blogpost zu hinterlassen. Jeder Teilnehmer muss demnach jeden Monat einen (1) CCC-Post auf seinem Blog erstellen.

Um sich anzumelden bitte unter diesem Post einen Kommentar hinterlassen. Falls es noch irgendwelche Fragen zu klären gibt, bitte einfach eine Mail schicken an andrea AT thekitchenlioness DOT de.

Ich hoffe, ihr macht mit und fragt eure bloggenden Freunde, ob sie auch Interesse haben mitzumachen.

Lieben Dank,


  1. Hi Andrea - I am registering for CCC. Let me know if I need to do anything else. Looking forward to this, and adding more veggies into our eating!

    1. Christy, welcome - you are the first official member of the CCC - hooray!!!

  2. Andrea this is fantastic.
    I have the book but haven't had the time to bake or cook from it yet. Now I just need some courage to join :-)
    I ll let you know asap
    All the best, dear Andrea.

    1. Dear Carola, do please join us, this will be fun, delicious fun

  3. This all sounds good, Andrea. I understand it. I suspect that the badge is what is posted on your Facebook page. Right? I am going to Denver this week to work with the people who designed my blog. They will bring me up to speed on the bells and whistles. I would like to be able to attach the badge to my site and have them help me. Okay?

    1. Mary, now the badges are ready for the taking, I added another post. Thank you for pointing that out to me! Hope my "rules" are not too complicated. I am looking forward to this project!!! Thank you for cooking along

  4. I got the book for my birthday and I'm excited to try these recipes. I love the way you've structured the group, too. I'd love to join you.

  5. I'm in! I think it sounds fun, and the book looks fabulous!!

    1. Candy, welcome to the CCC! We are thrilled to have you cook along with us!

  6. Found the book! I would love to join you on this adventure - always looking for something new in the vegetable department.

    1. Cathleen, you are in - how nice that you are joining us - now grab a badge, visit again for the first list with 10 recipes and, along with the rest of us, enjoy more veg in your life!

  7. I just ordered the book - I HOPE I will have the time to do this - adding more veggies is one of my goals this year!

    1. Dear Mardi, of course you will find the time - no doubt in my mind! We would all love to have you onboard and I did try to make the rules a little less stressful than usual - one post a month with as many or as few of the ten listed dishes. That way we will still get to cook through the entire book but we will not all be required to cook all the dishes unless, of course, a participant wants to. Let me know when you he books arrives, please!

  8. Andrea, Would love to join you on this journey! I’m always looking for better ways to serve veggies! I’m in!

  9. Hi Andrea, I am excited to join, can't wait. Can I attach the badge to my blog home page?

    1. Dear Cheri, delighted to have you join us - absolutely, copy and paste the badge - here is the proper link:

    2. Hi Andrea, added above code and picture is not showing up, is this code correct? Thanks Cheri also tried to email you, email came back.

    3. Cheri, the link is correct and my mail is working - please try again.

    4. Hi Andrea, using for email and to put into design/layout/Configure HTML/JavaScript to add a widget to my blogger site. does not seem to have info about picture like size or header.

    5. Cheri, the email does work without problems, I verified that, again. As far as the badge is concerned, you are suppossed to copy the picture of the badge NOT the url-code in order to attach the badge to your site.
      Hope that answers your questions - good luck!

    6. So sorry Andrea, I took you literally, thought for a badge you would want it linked back to you, understand now. Uploaded your beautiful picture to my site. Thanks for your patience.

  10. Andrea, I love the book and the way you've organized this veggie cooking adventure-excited to get started cooking with everyone! Thanks for organizing the Cottage Cooking Club ;-)

    1. Patricia, thank you, how kind of you - I take it you will be cooking along with us. Welcome to the CCC!

  11. I would love to join this group! Looking forward to some fun new recipes to eat and photograph :)

  12. My cookbook finally arrived. It looks like a great one. I'd love to join the group. Thanks so much for organizing!

    1. Jora, how nice to have you onboard! Welcome to the CCC!

  13. I love that you started this, dear Andrea! I'm going to order my copy of the book right now
    and get cracking! xoxo

    1. Coco, I am so glad that you enjoyed to join us and cook along with us - loved your delicious Pea Soup that you posted this month!

  14. Got the book yesterday :) Would love to join in from June. Thanks, Andrea!

    1. Dear Sandra, then welcome to the CCC! How wonderful to have you join us! Now grab that Badge and look for the June recipes that I will be posting today!

  15. It must have been serendipity today as I was on Cheri's Savory Spoon blog and saw a lovely picture of The Cottage Cooking Club. The warm and welcoming photo captured me and so I checked it out and would very much love to join your interesting group.

    1. Absolutely Peggy, I am posting the recipes today - choose as many or as little as you would like and let me know by June 7th, which ones you will be cooking! Thank you and welcome to the CCC!

  16. Thank You Andrea- Looking forward to cooking up some wonderful dishes and being a part of the group!

    1. Peggy, you are quite welcome! Wonderful to have you join the CCC!

    2. Peggy, do not forget to "grab that badge" - here is the link:

  17. Andrea, I received my copy of this book a few days ago but only have just now discovered this cooking group. I love the set up and would very much like to join. I realize I'm too late for participation in June but am looking forward to the July recipes.

    1. Dear Zosia, you are by no means too late for June, just go to this link:
      and choose anywhere between one and ten recipes and just let me know as soon as is feasible about your personal selection at the very same link in the comment section. Late does not mean too late - if you would still like to participate this month, do go ahead as the recipes are kind of too good to miss...
      If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me,

      And do not forget to "grab that badge" here:

  18. Hi Andrea, would love to join - great book and site! It's July so off to make some lurid pink ice-cream and wondering if my kids will eat it when they know its chocolate AND beetroot :-)

    1. So nic ethat you will join us, please grab a badge and have fun with this wonderful veg cookbook!

      You can find the badges here:
