
Monday, June 6, 2016

Suspension of The Cottage Cooking Club

Dear fellow members of The Cottage Cooking Club:

Due to the unexpected surge in the number of bloggers who have expressed their interest in cooking along with us and tackle our second phase of our cooking adventures with recipes from the talented Mr. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. And after consulting with my trusted taste testers and food enthusiasts that have tasted their way through many a dish in the last couple of years, for the time being, I have decided to suspend the activities of our lovely online cooking club with that catchy name and re-connect in a few weeks time!

Until we meet again with a fresh outlook on things, a new perspective on the purpose of online cookbook clubs and a bit of time to spare…

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Or meet up with me at work, my favorite bookshop, greengrocer, outdoor market, tea merchant, café, spice merchant, farmers market, or museum. See you there or see you around!