
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

LYL for the Cottage Cooking Club

We have now completed our twenty-third month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s “River Cottage Everyday Veg”. You can now leave your link to your personal March post at the end of this post AND at any time on The Cottage Cooking Club facebook page!!!

From the chapter "Comfort Food & Feasts“:
1. North African squash and chickpea stew (page 30) - Sorry, one more squash dish but feel free to substitute sweet potatoes or another vegetable here; 2. Potato dauphinoise OR Half-and-half dauphinoise OR Celeriac and potato dauphinoise OR Potato and turnip dauphinoise (page 60); 3. Courgette penne spoufflé (page 43); 4. Three-root boulangère (page 64) -
From the chapter of "Bready Things“: 5. Nachos with refried beans (page 190); 6. The vegiflette toastie (page 206); 7. Roasted new potatoes with harissa (page 225) -
From the chapter of  "Store-Cupboard Suppers“: 8. Dressed Puy lentils (page 237) - great use for all that fresh Italian parsley; 9. Dhal (page 238) -
From the chapter of "Pasta & Rice": 10. Vegetable biryani (page 274)


For the recipes that we have prepared so far, please consult the up-dated list here:

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy & Peaceful Easter Wishes!

Dear fellow members of The Cottage Cooking Club - wishing all of you and your families a very Happy and Peaceful Easter!


An alle meine Mitstreiter des Cottage Cooking Clubs: ich wünsche euch und euren Familien ein schönes & friedliches Osterfest!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Posting Date Change for the March Recipes for The CCC

Dear fellow members of The Cottage Cooking Club, due to Easter Sunday on March 27th and Easter Monday on March 28th, we have moved the posting date from March 28th to March 30th!

Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Dankeschön!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Cottage Cooking Club - March Recipes

My dear fellow members of The Cottage Cooking Club:

Now we are at the beginning of March and therefore into our twenty-third month of preparing recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall´s “River Cottage Everyday Veg”.

PLEASE feel free to substitute or add local vegetables to the recipes as it is always best to cook with what you can find at your local farmers´markets and greengrocers.

From the chapter "Comfort Food & Feasts“:

1. North African squash and chickpea stew (page 30) - Sorry, one more squash dish but feel free to substitute sweet potatoes or another vegetable here

2. Potato dauphinoise OR Half-and-half dauphinoise OR Celeriac and potato dauphinoise OR Potato and turnip dauphinoise (page 60)

3. Courgette penne spoufflé (page 43)

4. Three-root boulangère (page 64)

From the chapter of "Bready Things“:

5. Nachos with refried beans (page 190)

6. The vegiflette toastie (page 206)

7. Roasted new potatoes with harissa (page 225)

From the chapter of  "Store-Cupboard Suppers“

8. Dressed Puy lentils (page 237) - great use for all that fresh Italian parsley

9. Dhal (page 238)

 From the chapter of "Pasta & Rice":

10. Vegetable biryani (page 274)


Please remember to leave a comment with your personal choice(s) by March 7th at the end of this post.

Please remember to leave a comment with the link to your personal blog post on the LYL post by March 28th and/or our facebook page!

Please note that after your February posts, we will have about thirty (20) recipes left, leaving 2 more posts after this one.


Our motto for the month of March is: Hang in there, we have almost made it! Seriously, I do hope that you still enjoy cooking from Hugh´s book AND that you will continue cooking with this lovely group as we tackle two more book of his starting in the lovely month of May!

Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Vielen Dank!